
A Guide to Hemp Measurements: Converting Grams to Ounces

By Melena Gurganus
Add Weed, Unsplash

At Remedy Review, we’re always looking at new products hitting the market, and how to answer questions that consumers are asking. It’s clear that CBD oil, vapes, and gummies are becoming a popular trend. But what about hemp flower (or hemp buds)?

Smoking is not a healthy habit, but online retailers and dispensaries are selling out of their hemp buds quickly and frequently, meaning that there is a clear interest in this product. This got us thinking that there are some things you ought to know before buying or smoking hemp flowers.

What are hemp flowers?

Hemp plants have flowers that resemble those from marijuana plants. In hemp, these buds  have low THC levels and high CBD content. Marijuana and hemp flowers have a similar appearance since they are both Cannabis sativa, but they are very different in terms of their effects.

  • THC creates a psychoactive high in marijuana users. Flowers taken from industrial hemp plants contain no more that 0.3 percent THC and won’t cause such a response.
  • Hemp flowers are more commonly used to aid in relaxation and stress relief, much like CBD oil.
  • Hemp buds have not endured an oil extraction process, so all of the naturally occurring cannabinoids and terpenes are still intact. This means that other plant extracts can work together with CBD to elicit an overall synergistic effect on the user, potentially having more benefit that isolated CBD products.

It’s sold by weight

Although hemp and marijuana vary in their cannabinoid composition, their flowers are weighed in the same manner. Using the metric system, CBD hemp flowers are weighed from grams to ounces, and are often broken up even further into eighths, quarters, and half ounces. There are 28 grams in one ounce, and 1 gram will likely be able to make two or three joints filled with hemp bud.

Converting ounces to grams

⅛ oz

3.5 grams

¼ oz

7 grams

½ oz

16 grams

1 oz

28 grams

CBD flowers taken from industrial hemp plants are legal to sell in most states, and these products must comply with the laws set forth by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on marketing and advertising. A supplier must deliver their products as described, including the weight of an item, when you are buying from them. If this isn’t done, the FTC will likely take action against the company supplying the product. So you should receive the amount of hemp flower you purchase, but it never hurts to check.

Smoking hemp vs. taking CBD oil

When you inhale smoke from hemp flowers, the CBD will take effect almost immediately as your lungs absorb the cannabinoids and transfer them into the bloodstream. This effect likely won’t last as long as ingesting CBD oil, which prolongs the on-set and steady absorption of CBD. Also, smoking hemp flower looks and may even smell similar to marijuana, so be wary of this fact if you live in a state where recreational marijuana use is illegal. Hemp flower is legal, but it may cause confusion and unwanted attention, which should be taken into consideration.

Take caution if smoking

While you may experience calming effects or relief from smoking hemp flowers, you’ll be doing so at your own risk. Inhaling anything other than oxygen may be harmful to your health, and you should weigh the risks and benefits before deciding whether or not smoking hemp buds is the right choice. There are many other ways to use CBD products that produce similar results, without introducing smoke into your lungs.

Also, the effects of CBD can vary from person to person, so don’t expect hemp flowers to be the miracle cure-all that you’ve been waiting for. Most of the health advantages associated with CBD have been touted by consumers rather than scientific evidence, as more studies need to be conducted to determine the long-term effects of CBD oil and hemp.

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